Utilizing the Power of ART: Who Makes A Strong Candidate for Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Blogs & Articles / Utilizing the Power of ART: Who Makes A Strong Candidate for Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Welcome back to our blog and the next installment of our exploration of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). We’re excited to explore with you who makes an excellent candidate for ART. We’d like to remind you, it is always best to work with a licensed mental health professional when determining which approach is the best fit for you.

  • Individuals Seeking Rapid Relief

If you are someone who is tired of carrying around the emotional weight from past painful experiences and are motivated to work quickly for resolution, ART may be a great fit for you. ART is renowned for its ability to deliver significant improvement in a few sessions. While you may not reach your goal entirely in a few sessions, you are quite likely to feel relief and a new sense of control over your life. 

  • Anyone Who is Open to a Non-Traditional Approach

ART differs greatly from more traditional approaches to therapy and this can cause discomfort for some individuals. ART is distinctive for its use of bilateral stimulation, metaphors, and imagery to facilitate relief. If you are open to learning more about innovative methods that diverge from talk therapy methods, ART is certainly able to offer you a fresh and engaging way to work through your challenges. 

  • Those Who are Experiencing Trauma or PTSD

ART was initially developed to be a trauma-focused therapy that has been found to be highly effective at treating many other challenges as well. A unique appeal of ART is the individual participating does not have to disclose many details about the challenging experience if they choose not to, which helps empower the ART recipient. If you’re ready to address and process a traumatic experience and the associated emotions, ART offers you a transformative path forward.

  • Individuals Seeking Lasting Change

ART wasn’t developed to help people manage symptoms, but aims to create lasting change. If you are committed and motivated to make deep, meaningful, and sustainable changes in your emotional well-being, ART is capable of helping you rewire negative thought patterns and emotional responses to better align with your goals. 

  • Individuals Open to Visualization Techniques

Guided imagery and visualization techniques are often incorporated in ART to facilitate emotional processing. You do not have to be an expert at visualization to engage in ART and you can still participate if you’ve never tried to visualize anything at all. If you’re comfortable with exploring the use of these techniques, you’ll be likely to find them engaging and empowering.

  • Anyone Eager for Holistic Healing

ART is known as a non-invasive and holistic therapy that taps into your brain’s innate capacity for healing and transformation. If your holistic healing goals include finding an approach that will address both the emotional and neurological aspects of your challenges, ART is likely to be a great fit for you.  Finding a Path to Empowered Healing We understand the decision to pursue therapy is a deeply personal one and trying to find the right fit can be overwhelming. We hope the information above has helped you feel more empowered in deciding what will be right for you. Remember, each person’s experience with ART is unique, and collaborating with your licensed therapist will help you tailor the approach to best match your needs and goals. Lastly, remember to work with your therapist to explore your needs and other options of therapy as well to determine which one will be the best fit for you.