Accessing Accelerated Healing: What to Expect at an ART Session

Blogs & Articles / Accessing Accelerated Healing: What to Expect at an ART Session

Welcome back to our final blog post in our series exploring Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). In this post, we will take a deep dive into the steps of ART and what you can expect at an ART session. Our previous blog posts take a deep look into the many challenges ART can help with such as trauma recovery, anxiety, OCD, depression, ADHD, and so much more.  As you read on, we will take you to the heart of ART – a look into this unique and transformative process. 

Step 1: Establishing Rapport and Comfort

Whether you are engaging in ART or any other therapeutic process, the journey always begins with building a strong and trusting relationship with your therapist. Throughout the first few sessions, your therapist will ask questions and take the time to truly understand your concerns, challenges, and goals. Their office will become a safe place for you to share your experiences and address any questions and/or doubts you may have about the therapy process. 

Step 2: Identifying Target Memories

If it is determined by you and your therapist that ART is the ideal process to help you achieve your goals, you will begin working together to identify the memories in your life that are causing you the most distress. These memories can range from times of anxiety, trauma, conflict, or any type of emotional difficulty. 

Step 3: Activating Dual Attention

One of the core techniques of ART is to utilize bilateral stimulation to engage both hemispheres of your brain to facilitate emotional healing. This is completely painless and can occur through the use of rapid eye movements, auditory cues, or tactile sensations. This process does not mimic hypnosis and does not alter your perception of the present time. While you are engaged in dual attention, your therapist will help you process a distressing memory while simultaneously helping you stay grounded in the present moment.

Step 4: Rapid Processing of Target Memories

As we mentioned above, you will be engaged in dual attention and will have your therapist guide you through revisiting your target memory. There is a structured process your therapist will help you through that facilitates your processing of emotions associated with those memories in a safe manner. The entire purpose of this step is to rewire the emotional charge attached to those experiences, which allows you to experience them with reduced distress. 

Step 5: Replacing Negative Emotions with Positive Emotions

As you continue through the structured protocol of ART, your therapist will prompt you to replace negative emotions, beliefs, and sensations tied to the target memories with positive emotions. This step is a crucial one as it helps rewire your brain’s responses and allows you to experience the relief of the weight of those emotions being lifted away. 

Step 6: Future Template Installation

The goal of this step is to solidify the positive changes you’ve made as you work with your therapist to visualize your future, incorporating the newly found positive emotions and beliefs. This step helps provide your brain with a “template” for healthier behaviors and responses in situations that have previously caused you distress. 

Step 7: Closure and Integration

As your ART session comes to a close, your therapist will work with you to ensure you feel grounded, comfortable, and emotionally balanced. You’ll be provided the opportunity to share any feedback or questions about your experience and you’ll receive skills to help facilitate more healing outside of the session. With each session completed, you will be able to notice an improvement in your ability to handle stressors and your overall confidence. 

The ART Journey Continues…

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a structured yet dynamic process aiming to help you rapidly alleviate emotional distress and achieve healing. You will be supported by your therapist every step of the way as you work toward your goal. Everyone’s experience with ART is unique and the process will be tailored by your therapist to fit your individual needs and challenges. The motto for ART is “Keep the knowledge. Lose the pain.” This highly effective approach will help you do just that so you can move forward with healthier behaviors and a renewed sense of confidence. 

If you are curious about ART and are wondering if it’s right for you, please reach out to our office today to schedule with one of our amazing ART therapists.